
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

C++ class program to perform rational number arithmetic Operations using Operator Overloading

 class rational
                 int numer;
                 int denom;
                 void getdata()
                                 cout<<"\n enter the numerator part of the rational no.";
                                 cout<<"\n enter the denominator part of the rational no.";
                 void operator+(rational);
                 void operator-(rational);
                 void operator *(rational);
                 void operator /(rational);
 void rational ::operator+(rational c1)
                 rational temp;
                 cout<<"\nrational no. after addition";
                 cout<<"\n numerator="<<temp.numer<<"\n denominator ="<<temp.denom;
 void raional ::operator -(rational c1)
                 rational temp;
                 cout<<"\n rational no. after subtraction";
                 cout<<"\n numerator="<<temp.numer<,"\n denominator ="<<temp.denom;
 void rational ::operator (rational c1)
                 rational temp;
                 cout<<"\n rational no. after multiplication";
                 cout <<"\n numerator="<temp.numer<<"\n denominator ="<< temp.denom;
 void rational :: operator /(rational c1)
                 rational temp;
                 temp.numer= numer*c1.denom;
                 cout<<"\n rational no. after division";
                 cout <<"\n numerator="<<temp.numer<<"\n denominator ="<<temp.denom;
 void main()
                 rational c1, c2;
                 int n;
                                 cout<<"\n 1.Input data for rational no. ";
                                 cout<<"\n 2. Addition of rational no. ";
                                 cout<<"\n 3. Subtraction of rational no. ";
                                 cout<<"\n 4. Multiplication of rational no.";
                                 cout<<\n  5. Division of rational no. ";
                                 cout<<"\n 6. Quit";
                                 cout<<"\n Enter your choice";
                                                 case 1:
                                                 cout<<endl<<"\n enter the data for first rational no.";
                                                 cout<<endl<<"\n enter the data for second rational no. ";
                                                 c2.getdata ();
                                                 case 2;
                                                 case 3;
                                                 case 4:
                                                 case 5:
                                                 case 6:
                 } while (n!=6);

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Operator Overloading in C++ to add,substract,multiply and divide two Complex Numbers

Operator Overloading is a technique of polymorphism by which an operator(+,- etc) can be used to do different types of operations. eg:+ can be used to add two integers say a and b using sum=a+b similarly two floating point numbers say fa,fb by fs=fa+fb. In this example +,-,*,- operators are overloaded to add,subtract, multiply and divide two complex numbers. 

 class complex 
 int a,b; 
 void read() 
 cout<<"\n\nEnter the REAL PART : "; 
 cout<<"\n\nEnter the IMAGINARY PART : "; 
 complex operator +(complex c2) 
 complex c3; 
 return c3; 
 complex operator -(complex c2) 
 complex c3; 
 return c3; 
 complex operator *(complex c2) 
 complex c3; 
 return c3; 
 complex operator /(complex c2) 
 complex c3; 
 return c3; 
 void display() 
 void main() 
 complex c1,c2,c3; 
 int choice,cont; 
 cout<<"\n\nEnter your choice : "; 
 cout<<"\n\nEnter the First Complex Number";; 
 cout<<"\n\nEnter the Second Complex Number";; 
 case 1     : c3=c1+c2; 
            cout<<"\n\nSUM = "; 
 case 2     : c3=c1-c2; 
            cout<<"\n\nResult = "; 
 case 3 : c3=c1*c2; 
            cout<<"\n\nPRODUCT = "; 
 case 4     : c3=c1/c2; 
            cout<<"\n\nQOUTIENT = "; 
 default     : cout<<"\n\nUndefined Choice"; 
 cout<<"\n\nDo You Want to Continue?(1-Y,0-N)"; 